Recipe Planner Cooking Instructions Welcome Available Recipes Title Breakfast Lunch Dinner Food Group Appetizer Side Dish Main Dish Dessert Source of Recipe Quantity to Serve Serves Cold Room Temp Amount Measure Ingredient Instructions Preparation Time (hours) Clear Delete Store Delete Line New Amt Counter &Instructions... Print Click here to begin Lookup &Ingredients... Recipe List View Recipe About... Courier Tms Rmn System Tms Rmn System System System Script Courier Recipe Planner Meal(s) Course(s) Ingredients Service Temperature Recipe Planner Meal(s) Course(s) Service Temperature Welcome to the ObjectVision Recipe Planner$ Select a Recipe...& Recipes About the ObjectVision Recipe Planner... Recipe Planner allows you to catalog all your favorite recipes, and provides the additional bonus of adjusting the recipe to fit any number of portions. There are two main forms, designed to look like the two sides of an index card that you might find in a recipe box. The "front" of the card contains the ingredients list, and the "back" contains the cooking instructions. Both sides contain general information about the recipe. To find a particular recipe, you can scroll through them alphabetically using the Back and Next buttons. There's also a Lookup button to allow you select the desired recipe from a scrolling list. Each recipe has a recommended number of servings as indicated in the Serves field. Adjusting the recipe to feed any other number of mouths is easy -- just enter a new number in the Quantity to Serve field, and the quantity of each ingredient will be adjusted proportionately. (Actual preparation and cooking time may differ when changing servings, but since there is no way to reliably calculate this, that field is unaffected by serving changes.) This application is particularly interesting from a database point of view, since it "joins" data in a one-to-many relationship from two very different file formats. The main, or "one" portion of the relationship is stored in the dBase file RECIPES. This is done to take advantage of the dBase MEMO field type. The secondary, or "many", link is stored in the Paradox table called INGRED. Each line in the list of ingredients forms a record in this file. Bread Vegetable Seafood Poultry Recipes Recipes Recipes Recipes Ingred Cooking Instructions Recipe Planner Cooking Instructions Welcome Avail Available Recipes Recipe Planner Title Recipes Recipe Planner MENU.OVD Cooking Instructions &Ingredients... Click Recipe Planner &Instructions... Click Ctrl+I Welcome Avail RECIPES RECIPES Recipes TITLE# Recipes RECIPES.DBF RECIPES.NDX TITLE BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER FOODGROUP APPETIZER SIDEDISH MAINDISH DESSERT SERVES QTYTOSERVE PREPTIME INSTRUCT ROOMTEMP SOURCE Ingred INGRED Ingredientsz Title Amount Measure Ingredient